Monday, April 18, 2016

Meet Samantha

Every blog has a beginning. This is mine.  

Once upon a time there was a little girl.  Her mother encouraged her imagination and love of creating.  The little girl would make her own castles out of scraps from the garage, design a speedy car out of her red wagon, and conquer the mountain of her snow fort.  

There was one thing the girl wanted to create for more then anything in the world.  A very special doll that came in a catalogue delivered to her door.  She read the books that told the doll's story and even made her own adventures.  Samantha was the name of this doll, and the little girl wanted to create beautiful things for her. 

Alas, the doll was not meant to be the little girl's.  Instead, she would play with her best friend's Samantha doll, and dream of having one of her own some day.

Many years later, the little girl became a young lady who still loved to create beautiful things.  She grew up and studied history and continued her love of photography.  She had a lovely home of her own and two delightful kitties named Skye and Oxford.  The young lady decided it was time to bring home her very own Samantha.

This is her story.